Were these classic ad slogans used by Coke or Pepsi?
"Pair Up with" this quiz!

The Cola Wars. The Pepsi Challenge. New Coke. Diet Coke. Patio. Diet Pepsi.
These two soft-drink giants have been going at each other for decades.
We gathered some memorable advertising slogans from the Sixties, Seventies, Eighties and beyond. See if you can match them to the correct cola brand!
I'd Like to Buy the World a _______.
Always ______.
The Choice of a New Generation.
______ Adds Life.
For Those Who Think Young.
Come Alive!
Pair Up with ______.
______ Is It!
It's the Real Thing.
Catch that ______ Spirit!
Gotta Have It.
Have a ______ and a Smile.
Can't beat the feeling!
Taste That Beats the Others Cold.
Things Go Better with ______.