Did these TV characters actually exist in 1969?
Test your memory of TV shows turning 50!

Every year around this time, Decades likes to take a moment to remember all the big anniversaries coming up in the year to come.
In 2019, there are so many classic TV shows turning 50, but how many can you recall off the top of your head?
That's the game we're playing today. Below, answer yes or no to 10 TV characters who we either met in 1969 or sooner, or were introduced to us much later.
Only fans who truly remember the final TV flicker from the 1960s will score 8/10. Good luck!
Did the TV character SCOOBY-DOO exist in 1969?
Did the TV character CINDY BRADY exist in 1969?
Did the TV character ARTHUR FONZARELLI exist in 1969?
Did the TV character PINK PANTHER exist in 1969?
Did the TV character INSPECTOR GADGET exist in 1969?
Did the TV character BIG BIRD exist in 1969?
Did the TV character H.R. PUFNSTUF exist in 1969?
Did the TV character BARNABY JONES exist in 1969?
Did the TV character MARCUS WELBY exist in 1969?
Did the TV character LOU GRANT exist in 1969?