Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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Can you match the song to the correct animated Disney movie?

This quiz has got no strings to hold you down, if you're a true Disney fan!

Disney's animated movies have long been loved for their incredible soundtracks, with singalong tracks kids and parents have been belting out for decades.

Think you know a Disney movie from just one song?

It's off to work you go! Put it to the test below!
  1. "When You Wish Upon a Star"
  2. "Heigh-Ho"
  3. "The Bare Necessities"
  4. "The Unbirthday Song"
  5. "Part of Your World"
  6. "Oo-De-Lally"
  7. "The Siamese Cat Song"
  8. "A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes"
  9. "Following the Leader"
  10. "That's What Makes the World Go Round"
Can you match the song to the correct animated Disney movie?

Your Result...

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