Can you guess the classic TV show from just a window seen on set?
I.D. all these windows into TV worlds.

Classic TV offers a window into many worlds, but today's your window of opportunity to prove you can recognize just about any TV show from its prominently shown windows.
Travel through our quiz portal below and prove your memory for all these shows hasn't gone out the window. Good luck!
Pick the sitcom that featured this window on its home:
Pick the TV show that frequently featured guests popping out of this window:
Pick the workplace sitcom that featured this exterior window:
Pick the 1970s sitcom with a home that featured this window:
Pick the TV show whose star had an office with this view:
Pick the 1980s sitcom with a home that featured this window:
Pick the 1960s TV show that featured these window curtains:
Pick the offbeat sitcom that featured this window:
Pick the eerie anthology series that featured this window:
Pick the TV show that featured this jailhouse window: