Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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Can you complete the names of these bygone shopping mall businesses?

Fill in the blank with these defunct stores and food court joints.

We miss going to the mall. Sure, they're still around, but they are no longer the center of our social life. Growing up, we hung out at the mall. A lot. We met friends at the mall, we ate at the mall, we worked at the mall, we got Glamour Shots at the mall, we exercised at the mall.

Many of the stores and eateries from back in the day are no longer around. Some are going out of business as we write. Think you can remember the names of vintage mall stores? Try to fill in the blanks from our bygone shopping mall directory.

Good luck!
  1. Dress _______
  2. _. Dalton Booksellers
  3. Linens 'n _______
  4. Sharper _______
  5. Zany _______
  6. Lionel _______
  7. HiFi _______
  8. Egghead _______
  9. Kinney _______
  10. Miller's _______
  11. Circus _______
  12. ____boree
  13. The _______ Box
  14. Chess _______
  15. _. Riggins
  16. Hot _______ Pretzels
  17. Page _______ Maternity
Can you complete the names of these bygone shopping mall businesses?

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