Can you name the Top 10 movies of 1979 from the posters alone?
You get one image as a hint. Popcorn not included.

They don't make 'em like they used to. Need proof? Take a look at the top ten movies of 1979. You have everything from puppets to aliens. People lined up to see sports flicks and absurdist comedies. And they hardly needed special effects.
The ten biggest movies from that year might surprise you, at least in the order of their grosses. See if you can identify the top ten movies of 1979 — from 10 to 1 — from just one image off their posters.
The tenth biggest movie of 1979 made $65,200,000.
James Bond earned $70,308,099 to become the No. 9 movie of 1979.
This comedy cost just $4 million to make and earned $73,691,419.
Blake Edwards directed the No. 7 movie of 1979, which grossed $74,865,517.
This movie scared up $80,931,801 to become the sixth biggest hit of the year.
The No. 5 movie of the year rocketed to $82,258,456.
The No. 4 movie of 1979 made $83,471,511. Do you recognize it?
This sequel earned $85,182,160 to become the No. 3 movie of 1979.
The No. 2 movie of 1979 raked in a whopping $86.4 million on a budget of just $4.7 million.
The top-grossing film of 1979 was the only film to pull in nine figures, earning $106,260,000.