Can you match these episodes with ''Love'' in the title to the correct sitcoms?
Comedy loves a good love story.
Love is in the air. No, wait. Love is on the air. In sitcoms, in particular.
Romance is a key ingredient in any sitcom plot. First loves, marriages, families, crushes — it's all great fodder for comedy.
See if you can match the following "Love" titles to the correct sitcoms!
"Opie Loves Helen"
"They Call It Potsie Love"
"Barbarino in Love"
"Love Me, Love My Skipper"
"Peggy Loves Al, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah"
"To the Gestapo with Love"
"Love Finds Jane Hathaway"
"Henry in Love"
"Ro$e Love$ Mile$"
"Nina Loves Alex"
"Love and the Older Man" (He was a dentist, if that helps.)
"Once in Love with Elyse"
"Black is the Color of My True Love's Wig"
"Love Letters on the Rocks"
"Brotherly Love"