Pick: What would you watch on TV in 1990?
Would you watch the debut of Kramer or Agent Cooper?

Pretend you have a time machine. Hooray! There's just one glitch — it only goes back to the year 1990. And it's on the fritz, jumping all around the calendar. Fortunately, you have a television on hand to for entertainment.
Pick what you would watch on TV that year. See how your selections stack up against the rest. Have fun and bon voyage!
We begin our journey on Saturday morning. The date is November 3. It's 11AM. What are you watching?
Now it is that evening on the same day. What will you watch at 9PM?
We're moving back in time now. It is Tuesday, October 30. What will you watch on Halloween Eve at 9PM?
Leaping backwards again…. It is Monday, October 8. Settle in for the evening and watch one of these long programs.
A bigger leap back…. Now it's May 31, a Thursday. What would you watch at 9:30PM?
All this leaping through time, it begs the question: What would you watch on Friday at 8PM?
Jump back a month! It's now Saturday, April 8. Tune in to something at 9PM.
Let's leap again. It's Thursday, October 25, 8:30PM. What'll it be on TV?
That's over now. Pick a show for 9PM.
We've landed on a Sunday. It's 8PM. Cozy up on a couch with a show.
It's now Monday, 8PM. What'll you watch?
Same time, next day. What's on your screen?
Finally, we end on a Wednesday, again at 8PM. Make your final selection.