Pick: What Christmas specials would you watch in the 1980s?
Take your pick from Pee-wee, Perry, Kermit and Keanu.

There was no shortage of holiday specials in the 1980s. Everyone from classic crooners to popular cartoons got their own Christmas shows. In what other decades could you find Dean Martin singing with an orca… and He-Man's nemesis Skeletor learning the spirit of the season?
Let's look at some of the most memorable specials from the Eighties, year by year.
If you could only pick one, which would you watch? See how your taste in Christmas specials compares to others!
The Brothers Grimm, Hanna-Barbera or the family Osmond?
What floats your boat: high-pitched singing, shtick or Shamu?
Are you in the mood for toons or tunes this yule?
Tootie, Pooh or Como?
Will you spend Christmas in Lebanon, Little House on the Prairie, or with Dickens?
Stop-motion, swords or Punky?
Keanu, Kermit or an Osmond?
Do you prefer a cartoon cat, a M*A*S*H vet, or a Sound of Music legend?
Children's television was pretty weird in the 1980s.
Would you like spend your Christmas with horror, with Homer, or on the lanai?