Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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Can you guess the Christmas song from just a single word in the lyrics?

From "figgy" to "foggy"!

Even if you haven't sung them on doorsteps or spun them on turntables, you certainly have heard them. You can't go shopping in November and December without hearing some Christmas music. Every Starbucks and supermarket starts playing holiday tunes.

In other words, we're pretty confident that you've heard the following songs countless times. So you probably know the lyrics.

But can you recognize a Christmas carol when you boil it down to a single word? We took the most unique word found in the lyrics of some of the most popular classic songs. See if you can guess the correct song!

  1. Hawaiian
  2. Foggy
  3. Figgy
  4. Bluebird
  5. Eskimos
  6. Apparel
  7. Bushels
  8. Bobtail
  9. Treetops
  10. Troubles
  11. Barney
Can you guess the Christmas song from just a single word in the lyrics?

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