Can you guess what decade these vintage Thanksgiving ads are from?
Cranberry mayonnaise candles anyone?
Image: Lucky Strike / Alamac / Hellman's
While the general consensus for Thanksgiving food consists of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce, how each item is prepared can differ wildly from cook to cook. According to these vintage ads, midcentury America was full of creative holiday dinner ideas!
Forget canned cranberries, try candle cranberries (if that sounds strange, don't worry, it's all held together with mayonnaise). Why not warm up that cold Dr. Pepper? You can prepare everything easily in your brand-new microwave oven!
Try to guess if these vintage ads are from the 1950s, '60s, '70s or '80s!
What decade is this vintage ad from?
What decade is this vintage ad from?
What decade is this vintage ad from?
What decade is this vintage ad from?
What decade is this vintage ad from?
What decade is this vintage ad from?
What decade is this vintage ad from?
What decade is this vintage ad from?
What decade is this vintage ad from?
What decade is this vintage ad from?
What decade is this vintage ad from?
What decade is this vintage ad from?
What decade is this vintage ad from?