Can you finish the lyrics to this famous song from Singin' in the Rain?
Everybody ready to do a back-flip off of a wall? Just kidding!

Image: MGM Studios
If there's one number that everyone seems to remember from Singin' in the Rain (aside from the title piece, of course), it's the one performed by the famous Donald O'Connor. "Make 'Em Laugh" is a vaudeville-style number performed in the film in an attempt to inspire Gene Kelly's character to keep acting.
This scene still dazzles for many reasons — the pure athleticism, the hilarity that O'Connor brings to the number, the originality and flair that O'Connor injects into his dancing.
The most prominent story that follows him is that at the time of filming, O'Connor was known to be a heavy smoker – many report that he burned through up to four packs a day. After the filming for this scene had concluded, O'Connor had to take a few days off from the exhaustion that he was experiencing. While the number was certainly cinematic gold, it had taken a physical toll on the actor and put him out of filming for almost a week.
Today, we pay homage to his immortal work by asking: Can you finish the lyrics to this hilarious song from Singin' in the Rain?
Before we get into the song, O'Connor gives a small speech to his friend Don Lockwood. He says, "Don, the world is so full of a number of things I'm sure we should all be so happy as. But are we?" The answer is...
He continues: "[???] people have [???] faces, and [???] people have [???] faces."
"And in the words of that immortal bard [???] as he was about to be lead to the guillotine…"
From the top of the number: "Make 'em laugh, make 'em laugh / Don't you know [???] wants to laugh? / My dad said, "Be [???] my son, but be a [???] one!"
Keep it going: "They'll be standing in lines / For those old [???]-[???] [???] [???]
Take a big breath: "Oh, you could study [???] and be quite elite / And you could charm the [???] and have nothing to eat / Just slip on a [???] [???], the world's at your feet / Make 'em laugh, make 'em laugh, make 'em laugh!
Second verse, ready, go: "Make 'em laugh, make 'em laugh / Don't you know everyone wants to laugh? / My [???] said, 'Go out and tell 'em a [???], but give it plenty of [???]!'"
Keep it up: "Make 'em [???], make 'em [???] / Take a fall, butt a wall, split a seam!"
Another big breath: "You start off by pretending you're a [???] with [???] / You [???] 'til their gigglin' all over the place…"
Almost there: "And then you get a great big [???] [???] in the [???] / Make 'em laugh, make 'em laugh, make 'em laugh!"