Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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Can you guess the family show by just the names of kids on its cast?

Prove you know these families in three kids or less.

Can you tell a TV show just from the names of kids on its cast?

With so many family shows from the 1950s through the 1990s, there's plenty of siblings to confuse. Prove you're the kinda classic TV fan who can sort through every bunch. Good luck!
  1. Pick the family show with: Marcia, Jan, Cindy
  2. Pick the family show with: Chuck, Richie, Joanie
  3. Pick the family show with: Kimberly, Arnold, Willis
  4. Pick the family show with: D.J., Stephanie, Michelle
  5. Pick the family show with: Chip, Robbie, Mike
  6. Pick the family show with: Wally, Theodore
  7. Pick the family show with: Danny, Tracy, Laurie
  8. Pick the family show with: Eddie & Marilyn
  9. Pick the family show with: Bud, Kathy, Betty
  10. Pick the family show with: Mary, Jeff
Can you guess the family show by just the names of kids on its cast?

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