Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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A collection of the most hideously hilarious men's fashion ads from the 1970s

Looking back, the 1970s weren't regarded as the best years when it comes to fashion. Who could forget bell-bottom pants, crocheted vests and collars that seemed to have a wingspan wider than most eagles. 

Even though we laugh at some of those trends today, they were the absolute coolest back then. That's why we wore them so much!

It's always a trip down memory lane to look back at the pages of the catalogs from the department stores where we used to shop. Recently, one imgur user stumbled upon the worst of the worst. Here are some of the best pages from that collection.

Do you remember these trends?


The photo on the left could have easily been taken during the Renaissance. 



Floral, plaid and... pottery? The guy on the left channels Greek gods with this look. What would Aphrodite think?



Salmon and sweater vests? This getup looks fishy. 


It takes a lot of guts to wear this poncho on the cover of a magazine called "Man Talk." 



This look is perfect for those overnight yacht trips on the Mediterranean. 



Another catalog, another poncho. This time, it's accompanied by a crocheted vest and a crocheted garment that looks like a tunic. It could also be (a) an extra long tank top or (b) a short dress. He clearly looks happy wearing it...


The looks in this ad aren't atrocious, but these sheep obviously don't have a sense of style. Someone sheer them so they can start over! 


When you wear you crocheted sweater vest, don't forget your crocheted cap!


Hey, at least this ad has a sense of humor.  


We're glad men's nightgowns haven't made it past the '70s. Although they do look comfortable. Can we still order one?


These clothing models looks like a rip-off version of The Village People.  


The bigger the bell bottom, the longer the leg. 


Matching shirts and underwear were essential in the 1970s, even if it was in giraffe print. 


Just another day at the officce, inspired by Yellow Submarine by The Beatles. 

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