Davy Jones' Brady Bunch episode turned into a play in 1992, and he was in it

One of the most popular Brady Bunch episodes featured a guest star appearance from none other than Davy Jones. "Getting Davy Jones" for Marcia's school junior prom was not easy, but she made a promise and didn't want to disappoint her peers.
After going through a series of disappointments, Marcia did get The Monkees superstar to perform at the school.
The episode aired on December 10, 1971, and 20 years later, Jones found himself reprising his guest star appearance in a Brady Bunch play.
According to an article in The Los Angeles Times in 1992, "The Real Live Brady Bunch" was a play at the Westwood Playhouse, and Jones, even at 46, was still seen as a heart throb. When he appeared on stage, the audience would scream with excitement.
Apparently, the episode was something he couldn't get away from as people would often ask him, "How's Marcia?" and "Did you and Marcia ever get together."
They didn't, but being linked to an actor after a role is played is common in television, so Jones knew that would happen.
Some people might say, "Why did he do the play? He wasn't a main character and only appeared in one episode." Jones said he decided to do it because it was a "doodle."
"For me to act, it's like I'm getting money for nothing," he told the newspaper. He performed his Brady Bunch lines to sold-out audiences in New York too, which gave him more exposure, and he still had the jacket he wore in the episode.
"I still have the jacket I wore on the show, and it still fits," he added. Jones was still in good shape because he didn't want to be "a little fat guy. You know what I mean?"
Being a member of The Monkees made him a superstar, but playing himself on that episode of the Brady Bunch will live forever in American TV fans' hearts.