Premiering Monday, March 27th

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White House Cornerstone Laid

The cornerstone was laid on October 13, 1792, for the most famous house in the land. Standing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, it was originally called the Executive Mansion, or the President’s House, and came to be known as the White House as early as 1812. The stark white color stood out in contrast with the mostly red brick buildings nearby, so it’s no wonder where the name came from.

Sounds of the Time: The Lennon Sisters

Every Saturday night for 13 years the Lennon Sisters graced television screens across the country ... more

Lincoln's Whiskers

The iconic image of a bearded President Abraham Lincoln can be traced to a letter he received ... more

Operation Overlord

"Soldiers, sailors and airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force: You are about to embark upon ... more
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