Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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Sounds of the Time: The Lennon Sisters

Every Saturday night for 13 years the Lennon Sisters graced television screens across the country on "The Lawrence Welk Show." Growing up in the spotlight the sisters maintained a squeaky clean image appearing on variety shows and making records for years. They still appear alongside the Osmond Brothers every Christmas for an annual live performance.

John D. Rockefeller - First Billionaire

To say he had high expectations is a gross understatement. This was a man who capitalized on ... more

Retrospectacle: Mini Golf

A date night favorite, mini golf has gone through quite an evolution since its inception in 1867. ... more

Khrushchev's U.N. Outbursts

The infamous “shoe banging” incident happened during the U.N. General Assembly meeting in ... more
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