Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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Lincoln's Whiskers

The iconic image of a bearded President Abraham Lincoln can be traced to a letter he received on October 15, 1860. Eleven-year-old Grace Bedell from Westfield, New York, wrote a letter with a bit of advice for the candidate running for president. Grace advised Lincoln he would have a better chance of winning the election if he were more attractive to women and let his “whiskers grow.”

Cross Country Air Mail Service

The concept of transporting mail via airplane was revolutionary enough in the early 1900s, but ... more

Sounds of the Time with Richard Marx

"I wrote it in 15 minutes. The fastest song I ever wrote," said Richard Marx of his hit "Right ... more

Lincoln Logs’ Wright Connection

Talent and vision undoubtedly run through the Wright family. Frank Lloyd Wright, famous architect ... more
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