Premiering Monday, March 27th

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Plessy v. Ferguson

In the 19th century the fight against racial segregation was being openly lost in the courts. Standing alone on his judgment, Justice John Marshall Harlan argued that separating races could only mean that one was inferior. Despite his best efforts, on May 18, 1896, Harlan was outnumbered and the Supreme Court ruled that separate but equal facilities were in fact constitutional. The Plessy v. Ferguson case of 1896 created a severe precedent for the nation and unleashed decades of perfectly legal racial discrimination.

Kathy Garver & ‘Family Affair’

"Our show in particular was really about love. There was a real connection and a true affection ... more

Fondue’s 1970s Breakthrough

It’s an ooey gooey meal that’s meant to be shared. Fondue may have been around for centuries ... more

Robots in Popular Entertainment

The world’s fascination with robots has been around since 1495 when it’s believed Leonardo ... more
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