Premiering Monday, March 27th

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Girl Scouts: Girl Power Since 1912

The Girl Scouts was the vision of Juliette Gordon Low a wealthy widow from Savannah, Georgia. She was inspired after a meeting in London with Robert Baden Powell and his wife, Olive. Powell was the founder of the Boy Scouts. Low envisioned girls clubs in Savannah and across America. Her dream was realized when she gathered a handful of girls on March 12, 1912, for the first meeting of the Girl Scouts. Since then the organization has grown to 112 chapters across the U.S. The group's largest entrepreneurial program is their signature “bake sale.” Sales of Girl Scout cookies raise more than $750 million every year.

The Stamp Act Provokes Ire

After Britain won the battle to claim territory west of the Ohio River Valley, they realized ... more

Wiley Post’s Record-Breaking Flights Around the World

Wiley Post may not have been the first pilot of his time to fly around the world, but he certainly ... more

Monkeys in Space

The first two monkeys to survive a round-trip to space were “Able” and “Miss Baker.” ... more
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