Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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The Stamp Act Provokes Ire

After Britain won the battle to claim territory west of the Ohio River Valley, they realized the victory also came with a price tag. To defray some of the costs the Stamp Act–a tax on colonists—went into effect on March 22, 1765. The act called for every single piece of paper printed to be taxed. Colonists fought back with riots, protests and secret organizations. One of them, the Sons of Liberty, played a major role in getting the act repealed in March 1766.

Gas Mask Patented

An invention whose basic concept is still being used to save lives today was patented on October ... more

Quiz Show Scandal

It was 1950’s “must-see TV,” the era of television quiz shows. The programs were a showcase ... more

We’re An American Band

The Beatle’s sold-out concert at Shea Stadium will forever go down in history as their most ... more
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