Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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Monkeys in Space

The first two monkeys to survive a round-trip to space were “Able” and “Miss Baker.” The pair was sent beyond Earth’s atmosphere on May 28, 1959. NASA began using chimpanzees afterwards. “Ham” was the first chimp sent to space. His trip took a little over sixteen minutes and happened January 31, 1961.

Sounds of the Time with Richard Marx

"I wrote it in 15 minutes. The fastest song I ever wrote," said Richard Marx of his hit "Right ... more

Graham Nash

"I don't know how I write songs. I don't know what this process is. I see something. I feel something...that's ... more

1949's "Step-Saving" Kitchen

In 1949 the U.S. Department of Agriculture designed the “ideal kitchen.” The premise was ... more
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