Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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General MacArthur's Promise

General Douglas MacArthur made good on a promise when he returned to the Philippines on October 20, 1944. President Roosevelt ordered MacArthur to leave the Philippines in 1942 after he tried to defend the country against a Japanese invasion. He made his famous declaration “I Shall Return” after he fled to Australia. MacArthur maneuvered for two and a half years to get back to the Philippines and upon his arrival he declared “I have returned.”

Smokey the Bear Dies

Although his likeness lives on in public service announcements, the real-life “Smokey the Bear” ... more

FDR Signs the Tennessee Valley Authority Act

On May 18, 1933, FDR signed the Tennessee Valley Authority Act as part of his New Deal. It was ... more

Retrospectacle: Special Olympics

Special Olympics has been transforming the world since 1968. From it's humble beginnings in Chicago ... more
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