Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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Comedian Tom Dreesen

He was a poor boy from Harvey, Illinois, who grew up to become a wildly successful comedian, sharing a stage with Sammy Davis, Jr., Smokey Robinson and, above all, Frank Sinatra. Tom Dreesen says, “I'm a stand-up comedian first, last and always, that's always who I am and only who I wanted to be."

The British Bulldog

“No man in our lifetime has better earned the right to withdraw from the scene of action. As ... more

Heimlich Maneuver

"I said a prayer. Thank you God for seating me next to this man. If it had been anyone else in ... more

Lady Be Good Bomber

The Lady Be Good was a World War ll plane that disappeared while on a Naples bombing mission ... more
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