Premiering Monday, March 27th

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First Thanksgiving Parade

The first Thanksgiving Day Parade was put on by Gimbels department store. Ellis Gimbel ran the Philadelphia store and came up with the idea in 1920 to help boost holiday sales. On November 25, Gimbel, several dozen employees and a 15-car motorcade marched down Market Street to the store. The parade still continues annually and is the oldest Thanksgiving Day Parade in the U.S.

Grand Canyon Saved From Industrialization

It was a move to guarantee that one of nature’s masterpieces would not disappear under the ... more

Ubiquitous Blue Mailbox Patent

The quintessential blue mailbox is an invention that’s pretty much remained the same for more ... more

Lady Be Good Bomber

The Lady Be Good was a World War ll plane that disappeared while on a Naples bombing mission ... more
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