Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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Grand Canyon Saved From Industrialization

It was a move to guarantee that one of nature’s masterpieces would not disappear under the industrialization of the West. Using a provision in the Antiquities Act, President Theodore Roosevelt issued a proclamation declaring the Grand Canyon a national monument on January 11, 1908. It was later classified as a U.S. National Park by President Woodrow Wilson in 1919.

Sounds of the Time: JD Souther

"My friends, Jackson Browne and Glenn Frey and Don Henley and eventually Warren Zevon, were all ... more

America’s Oldest Magazine

With bylines from Jack London, Edgar Allen Poe, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Kurt Vonnegut, and a ... more

Retrospectacle: Special Olympics

Special Olympics has been transforming the world since 1968. From it's humble beginnings in Chicago ... more
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