11 things we love about the 'Wonder Woman' pilot

This year, a new Wonder Woman finally hit the big screen. Next year, at least, she'll headline her own blockbuster. It's no knock on Gal Gadot to say she'll have a hard time living up to Lynda Carter.
On November 7, 1975, "The New Original Wonder Woman" aired on primetime television. It would serve as a pilot of the beloved action series. Wonder Woman changed significantly from the first episode onward, from the setting to the styles. It's not quite what people think when they remember the 1970s hit. That's why it holds a special place in our heart.
To celebrate the forty-plus years of Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman, here are some of our favorite things about the pilot.
1. The original comic book style opening.

We adore this animation that pays tribute to the character's roots. That's another shot from the sequence at the top. There are lots of nice nods to DC Comics in here.
2. Lynda Carter's smile in the opening credits.

How could you not love her from the first glance?
3. It took place during World War II.

This is also the reason the Captain America movie worked so well. These patriotic characters deserve some time in their original setting. The upcoming movie is rumored to take place during World War I.
4. It had those cool comic-book-panel captions.

The comic book look carried through the entire show.
5. It used old dogfight footage.

When Steve Trevor battles the enemy ace in the sky, there is some vintage stock shots used, and we're okay with that.
6. Cloris Leachman.

The Mary Tyler Moore actress portrayed Queen Hippolyte!
7. Paradise Island.

It was great to get a glipse of Wonder Woman's home. The contest of the Amazons was a blast.
8. Wonder Woman in disguise.

Carter sports many costumes in this pilot. This one is a fantastic look for Comic Con.
9. A nod to her original costume with the skirt.

Briefly, Diana dresses in a short skirt, as the character originally did in the comics. We like how they explain the change, too.
10. The Invisible Jet!

The Invisible Jet is always awesome. Later, Wonder Woman maneuvers on top of a Nazi bomber.
11. The awesome fight at the end.

The action was went beyond special effects in the skies. The well-staged climactic fight throws bodies through windows and brings lamps crashing down from the ceiling. It's a spirited, physical clash.