Decades Presents 'A Christmas Carol' - a celebration of Carol Burnett all Christmas Day

Unwrap your presents and unwind with Decades with our celebration of Carol Burnett this Christmas! "A Christmas Carol" will feature select episodes from the groundbreaking series Carol Burnett and Friends all day long!
Running for 279 episodes and 11 seasons, Carol Burnett and Friends is considered to be one of the greatest sketch comedies and TV shows of all time. The series had a revolving door of famous co-stars including Harvey Korman, Vicki Lawrence, Lyle Waggoner and Tim Conway.
All Christmas day we'll be showing some of the best episodes and guests including Betty White, Dick Martin, Carl Reiner, and much more!
The marathon of cheers and laughs starts Friday, December 25th, beginning at 7a ET | 4a PT and continues all throughout the day. This is one Christmas carol you're absolutely going to want to enjoy!