Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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The Unmistakable Sound of Electric Football

"We are one of the classic toys out there, just like slinky or easy bake ovens or anything like that. But we're probably one of the only toys out there that's this old, that still has national tournaments all the time.”  Doug Strohm, CEO of Tudor Games talks about the evolution and staying power of Electric Football.

The Beat Generation

"Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, William Burroughs and a guy named Lucien Carr …they started ... more

First Winter Olympics

Close to 300 athletes from 16 countries competed in the first Winter Olympics in Chamonix, France, ... more

Shirley Temple Becomes a Star

On April 19, 1934, a movie premiere turned a little girl into Hollywood’s darling. “Stand ... more
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