Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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The British Bulldog

“No man in our lifetime has better earned the right to withdraw from the scene of action. As he steps from the stage, the curtain falls on a political era." The era was none other than that of Sir Winston Churchill, who resigned from office on April 5, 1955, after serving the British Empire for the better part of a century.

Dance Like No One is Watching

Stifled by life behind the Iron Curtain, dancer, choreographer and director Mikhail Baryshnikov ... more

Roosevelt's Nobel Peace Prize

The first American to win a Nobel Peace Prize was President Theodore Roosevelt. The prize, awarded ... more

Lou Gehrig's 14 Amazing Years

He got his break when long-time Yankees first baseman Wally Pipp had a headache and decided to ... more
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