Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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Bill Remembers: Ellis Island

Bill Kurtis looks back on the landing spot that greeted o so many weary travelers seeking a new beginning, Ellis Island.  Among those welcomed to the United States on Ellis Island was Bill’s own grandfather.  Ellis Island re-opened on this day in 1990 as a museum; a shrine to the sacrifice of so many in search of freedom.

Warhol's Campbell's Soup Cans

He’s been described as a man inspired by the mundane. Andy Warhol broke into the world of Pop ... more

First Pocket Calculator

Nowadays we can find calculators on our wristwatches, computers and smartphones. But in 1972 ... more

First Commercially Produced Computers

Picture your laptop that is sitting in your backpack, handbag or on the corner of your desk. ... more
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