Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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Lou Gehrig's 14 Amazing Years

He got his break when long-time Yankees first baseman Wally Pipp had a headache and decided to take a seat and “let the kid play.” The “kid” was Lou Gehrig. After Gehrig stepped onto the field on June 2, 1925, he wouldn’t miss a game for the next 14 years. It was the start of a consecutive game streak that would earn him an impressive record: seven seasons with 150 or more RBI’s, eight seasons with 200 or more hits and five seasons with more than 40 home runs. The World Series champion’s streak ended May 2, 1939 when he asked to be taken out of the lineup.

Retrospectacle: The Slinky

The slinky “walked” down its first flight of stairs on August 2, 1943, and has been entertaining ... more

Charles Lindbergh: The Ride of a Lifetime

Charles Lindbergh was born to become the high-flying international sensation that we know him ... more

Let the Games Begin!

"Today, all of you young athletes are in the arena. Many of you will win, but even more important, ... more
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