Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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Lincoln Logs’ Wright Connection

Talent and vision undoubtedly run through the Wright family. Frank Lloyd Wright, famous architect and father to six children, was a source of inspiration to his son, John. A renowned architect in his own right, he is best known for his invention of Lincoln Logs. On this day in 1920, John Wright received the patent for this timeless toy.

Sounds of the Time with Richard Marx

"I wrote it in 15 minutes. The fastest song I ever wrote," said Richard Marx of his hit "Right ... more

Sounds of the Time: Scott Ian of Anthrax

"December of 1977, I saw Kiss at Madison Square Garden, and I can pretty safely say that I left ... more

First Commercially Produced Computers

Picture your laptop that is sitting in your backpack, handbag or on the corner of your desk. ... more
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