Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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General Tom Thumb's Wedding

Charles Sherwood Stratton, whose stage name was General Tom Thumb, was one of the biggest and smallest celebrities of the 19th century. The three-foot, four-inch star of P.T. Barnum’s “Hall of Curiosities” married Lavinia Warren on February 10, 1863. She was two-feet, seven-inches tall. Their lavish and heavily publicized “fairy wedding” was attended by 2,000 guests.

J.D. Souther Talks Songwriting

"My friends, Jackson Browne and Glenn Frey and Don Henley and eventually Warren Zevon, were all ... more

Jody Watley Talks “Looking for a New Love”

Jody Watley speaks about her career and hit 1987 song “Looking for a New Love.”

Baryshnikov Defects

With an eye toward creativity and freedom Mikhail Baryshnikov, in 1974, became the third Russian ... more
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