Premiering Monday, March 27th

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First Animal in Space

One of America’s goals in the 1950s was to beat the U.S.S.R. in space. But the Soviets were already ahead. Sputnik was the first satellite launched into space and on November 3, 1957, they sent the first animal into orbit. Laika, a stray Husky-mix, was sent to space aboard Sputnik 2. The small satellite wasn’t made for re-entry and Laika would not return home. Her trip, however, paved the way for other animals in space.

Heidi Game

What became known as the “Heidi Game” was a matchup between the New York Jets and the Oakland ... more

The Rise of the Haight

It was the center of a fresh music scene that brought the rise of a new sound, and cultivated ... more

More Than Just Pictures

"This comic book describes a sexual aberration so shocking that I couldn't mention even the scientific ... more
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