Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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“The Jungle” & The Pure Food and Drug Act

For most of the 20th century Chicago was at the heart of the nation’s meatpacking industry. Journalist Upton Sinclair exposed the unsanitary conditions of the stockyards, slaughterhouses and meatpacking plants in his novel “The Jungle.” As a result, President Theodore Roosevelt signed into law the Pure Food and Drug Act, requiring food inspection and labeling.

Decades talks to Greenwich Village legend Judy Collins

"Judy Collins was a fixture of the early '60s music scene in Greenwich Village, playing some ... more

John Dillinger Killed

Notorious gangster John Dillinger was killed outside a Chicago movie theatre on July 22, 1934. ... more

Sounds of the Time: Scott Ian of Anthrax

"December of 1977, I saw Kiss at Madison Square Garden, and I can pretty safely say that I left ... more
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