Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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Edison's Light Bulb

Thomas Edison’s most famous innovation created light that’s used in everyday life. Edison wanted to create a practical light bulb that lasted longer and used less power. His team in Menlo Park, New Jersey, eventually turned to testing carbon, an element that conducts electricity. It proved successful on October 21, 1879, when Edison’s incandescent bulb lasted close to 14 hours.

World War I

What began with a single pistol shot killing the Archduke of Austria on June 28, 1914, gave way ... more

Retrospectacle: The Suburbs

After World War II, communities started springing up across the country that were designed for ... more

Benedict Arnold

He went from being one of the bravest commanders of the Revolutionary War to having his name ... more
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