Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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Retrospectacle: Surfing

Surfing moved from subculture to popular culture in the 1950s. Gone were boards made from redwood, balsa or plywood. New materials like Styrofoam and fiberglass made surfing a more approachable sport. The movement was spurred on by movies like 'Gidget' and the Beach Boys' 1961 song "Surfin'." It was a pastime that would become a way of life with a style and swagger all its own.

Retrospectacle: Mr. Potato Head

Mr. Potato Head did start out as an actual potato.

Retrospectacle: The Suburbs

After World War II, communities started springing up across the country that were designed for ... more

Retrospectacle: Special Olympics

Special Olympics has been transforming the world since 1968. From it's humble beginnings in Chicago ... more
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