Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs


Can you guess which classic TV shows these monkeys are on?

Monkeyin' around with the remote control.

How much do you really remember Looney Tunes?

Prove you're the most rootinist tootinist 'toon fan there ever was!

Did these TV shows take place in real or fictional towns?

Don't start booking your vacations until you finish the quiz.

Can you tell if your favorite foods are older than your favorite TV shows?

Pop Tarts or The Twilight Zone? Reese's Pieces or Charlie's Angels?

Can you guess what these TV characters are holding?

Your best guess is in the palm of their hands.

Fill in the blank with the correct number to complete these pop songs

Do you know the biggest pop songs by the number?

Can you match these episodes to the correct workplace sitcom?

Working 9 to 5 - what a way to make a living!

Who solved these mysteries, Perry Mason or Nancy Drew?

Objection! These do-gooders solved oddly similar cases.

Can you name the Michael Jackson song from the first seven words?

This quiz should be as easy as 1, 2, 3...

Can you tell the difference between 1960s TV shows and movies?

Everything was not always so black and white in the 1960s, but this quiz is.

Pick: What albums would you buy in 1968?

Records were not cheap back then. So make it count!

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