Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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Walkman Debuts

It was the device that revolutionized the way people listened to music. The Sony Walkman made its debut July 1, 1979. The cassette player became a big hit. 400 million of them were sold. Originally called the Soundabout in the U.S., manufacturing of the cassette-based Walkman ended in 2010.

The Moscow Circus & Its Bears Come to America

The Moscow Circus opened its American tour in New York in 1963. The star of the show was Valentin ... more

E = MC2

You don’t need to be a physicist to recognize this equation. E = MC2 is a formula that revolutionized ... more

Bill Remembers: Nadia Comaneci

Bill Kurtis looks back on the mesmerizing performance of Nadia Comaneci during the 1976 summer ... more
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