Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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The Miracle Mile

Proving doctors and naysayers wrong, Roger Bannister was the first man to run a sub-4-minute mile. And after a race on August 7, 1954, that was dubbed “The Miracle Mile,” Bannister beat his rival and was named Sports Illustrated’s first "Sportsman of the Year."

Houston, We Had a Problem

Today Bill Kurtis remembers Apollo 13 and the legends who led the ship safely home.

Sounds of the Times: Lee Greenwood discusses "God Bless the USA"

"Being raised on a farm taught me a lot of things: what it means to help your neighbor, it taught ... more

Bill Remembers: DB Copper

Bill Kurtis looks back on a case that captivated the nation. In 1971 DB Cooper hijacked a plane ... more
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