Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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The Great Seal Bug: A Story of Cold War Espionage

It was 1945 and the U.S. and the Soviet Union had at best a tenuous relationship. What was presented as a peaceful and friendly gift turned out to be anything but a gesture of good will. Soviets gave the U.S. ambassador to the U.S.S.R. a carving of The Great Seal, yet hidden inside, just below the surface, was a listening device that went undetected for years. The bug was activated only when the Soviets wanted, and they made themselves privy to the most secret conversations within those American walls. It wasn’t until 1952 that it was discovered, but the U.S. kept the findings under wraps in order to use the technology for their own espionage endeavors. The story was filed away for eight years. Until, the U.S. was caught in the act.

Bill Remembers: The VW Bus

Bill Kurtis speaks about going to California in 1970 and seeing the streets overrun with the ... more

Retrospectacle: Flagpole Sitting

It was a fad that became all the rage in 1924: flagpole sitting. It reached new heights when, ... more

Bill Remembers: HBO

“Few of us had any idea that HBO would become the powerhouse it is today…it was pay TV in ... more
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