Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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The First Phone Call

Alexander Graham Bell uttered nine words, “Mr. Watson, come here. I want to see you,” into the mouthpiece of his newly patented device on March 10, 1876. His invention, now known as the telephone, featured “improvements in telegraphy” that allowed several telegraph signals to be sent over one wire using different audio frequencies.

Retrospectacle: Remembering the Mullet

What’s old is new and sometimes just won’t go away. The hairstyle known as the “mullet” ... more

The Diesel Engine

In search of a more efficient engine, Rudolph Diesel set out to improve upon the steam technology ... more

First Western Showdown

Scores used to be settled with showdowns at dusk and no train was safe from the notorious Jesse ... more
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