Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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The Birth of a Movement

"The Haymarket really polarizes constituencies in Chicago and it pits native born businessmen against immigrant workers and makes everybody deeply suspicious." Professor Ann Durkin Keating recalls the Haymarket Riot that took place on this day in 1886, of which we still feel the effects today.

Ted Nugent talks "Stranglehold"

"I don't play guitar licks, I am those licks," says "Stranglehold" musician Ted Nugent for Sounds ... more

The Spruce Goose Takes Flight

It was its first and last flight. Howard Hughes piloted the 200-ton “Spruce Goose” to lift ... more

Sounds of the Times: Lee Greenwood discusses "God Bless the USA"

"Being raised on a farm taught me a lot of things: what it means to help your neighbor, it taught ... more
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