Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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The Beatles Make Nehru Jackets Big

You can thank the Beatles for helping to bring Nehru jackets to the scene in the 1960s. The band started sporting the jackets when they became students of Eastern spirituality. The jacket was named after the first prime minister of India, Jawaharwlal Nehru. He was a fashion icon and the thigh length closed collar jacket was his signature look. Although the Nehru jacket eventually went out of style, it never really went away and continues to show up on runways and celebrities from time to time.

Heimlich Maneuver

"I said a prayer. Thank you God for seating me next to this man. If it had been anyone else in ... more

Bill Remembers: Murrow and McCarthy

Bill Kurtis looks back to 1954 when Edward R. Murrow stood up to Joseph McCarthy during his TV ... more

Nylon: First Synthetic Fiber

Nylon became the world’s first synthetic fiber when it was introduced on October 27, 1938. ... more
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