Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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Robots in Popular Entertainment

The world’s fascination with robots has been around since 1495 when it’s believed Leonardo Davinci sketched the first humanoid robot. From Elektro in 1939 to the Terminator in 1984, the decades have been witness to a “Robotics Revolution” that’s no longer just futuristic dreams.

A Moment in Time: 1956 Pan Am Water Landing

A Moment In Time: Newsreel footage showed moviegoers the crash of Pan Am flight 6 from Honolulu ... more

Jack Dempsey’s Fall From Grace

It was a crushing end for one of the greatest athletes of the 1920s. In 1926, five-time heavyweight ... more

Billboard Music Chart Begins

The first Billboard Chart was published July 27, 1940. It was called the National List of Best ... more
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