Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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Music Meets the MP3

The m-peg one audio layer three, got its official name of .mp3 on July 14, 1995. It became the universal file name for a type of audio file compression. Compressed music files were easy to store and share and opened the door for companies like Napster to create file-sharing websites for swapping music for free over the Internet.

Plessy v. Ferguson

In the 19th century the fight against racial segregation was being openly lost in the courts. ... more

Retrospectacle: Dylan Goes Electric

At the ripe age of 24, Bob Dylan was already considered to be the voice of his generation. His ... more

Retrospectacle: The Limbo: How Low Can You Go?

“Jack be limbo Jack be quick, Jack go unda limbo stick…” By now you’re humming the song ... more
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