Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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Jones Act Battles Bootlegging

Prohibition didn’t keep the American public from importing, exporting or consuming alcohol. Instead, it helped spawn an underground industry that would make millions. The war between the dry and wet crusaders would last over a decade. In a final effort to crack down on the widespread alcohol distribution, the U.S. Congress passed the Jones Act on March 2, 1929.

Jesse Owens Strikes Gold!

He was known as the world’s fastest man, the Buckeye Bullet…Jesse Owens broke records and ... more

Bill Remembers: Ellis Island

Bill Kurtis looks back on the landing spot that greeted o so many weary travelers seeking a new ... more

Jack Dempsey’s Fall From Grace

It was a crushing end for one of the greatest athletes of the 1920s. In 1926, five-time heavyweight ... more
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