Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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Hawaii Joins the Union

On August 21, 1959, Hawaii’s 6.5-thousand miles of lush land along with 600,000 people officially joined the Union. It took six decades to become a state from a U.S. territory as Hawaii became our 50th state.

Can’t Live Without Your Love and Affection

"My first conscious memory was sitting off to the side of the stage as a two-year-old…watching ... more

Retrospectacle: Lava Lamps

The vibrant color and mesmerizing motion of the lava lamp is a trademark of the 1960s. But this ... more

Retrospectacle: Surfing

Surfing moved from subculture to popular culture in the 1950s. Gone were boards made from redwood, ... more
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