Premiering Monday, March 27th

Catch All The Laughs

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Erwin Rommel's Retreat

One of Germany’s most feared and respected commander’s was finally brought down to size in 1942. Erwin Rommel, a skilled combat leader, had moved his offensive across North Africa and scored a decisive victory against the British. But Rommel’s Afrika Korps had fallen into a supply crisis. That weakness gave the British Army, led by Bernard Montgomery, an opening to exploit and eventually forced Rommel to retreat on November 3, 1942.

Bill Remembers: DB Copper

Bill Kurtis looks back on a case that captivated the nation. In 1971 DB Cooper hijacked a plane ... more

Jody Watley Talks “Looking for a New Love”

Jody Watley speaks about her career and hit 1987 song “Looking for a New Love.”

Hollywood Sign History

It started out as a temporary ad in 1923 for a new housing development in the hills above Los ... more
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